上海北京私人保镖公司保镖总则 私人保镖·私人保镖公司·国际保镖·保镖培训学校·保镖学校
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I realise that it is my responsibility to respect myself and other men or women who serve in the bodyguard profession.
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I will always exhibit the highest level of integrity in the performance of my professional duties and will do my best to see that my responsibilities are carried out with professional competence.
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I will not engage in any unethical or illegal conduct, or in any activity that could jeopardise my responsibilities.
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I will always keep an open mind and commit myself to the pursuit of knowledge and information for the purpose of discovering new methods and systems.
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I will always be honest when dealing with my principals, fellow bodyguards, business associates and all others。
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I realise that a great deal of trust and responsibility has been given to me and I know that I must dedicate myself in the furtherance of the bodyguard profession and those whom I am sworn to protect.
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I will always keep in mind the fact that I am a member of a truly unique international organisation and I will not hold any animosity towards another shtw member based solely on ethnic origin, gender or religious persuasion.
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I will commit myself to the pursuit of excellence in all areas of the bodyguard profession.
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I will not represent myself as other than I am, nor will I lie about my experience or abilities.